Volume 3 ISSUE 1

Faculty Mobility in the Private Universities: Developing Country Context

Zakia Khan


Jashim Uddin Ahmed


Shah Md. Al-Emran Sarker


The main aim of this study is to identify the factors influencing high rate of faculty mobility, which is a serious problem for the private universities of Bangladesh. The primary objectives of the private universities were to create opportunities for higher education and to prevent the outflow of funds by the students going abroad for higher studies. Literature review reveals that the common factors related to faculty turnover are lack of opportunity for professional development, working environment, lack of faculty autonomy, discrimination in rewards and recognition, poor compensation package, dissatisfaction with the promotion and performance appraisal process, poor research and publications facilities, and lack of administrative and technical support. In addition, lacking in the other dimensions of satisfaction are excessive pressure in advising and course work, poor quality of students, inadequate benefits and so on. A survey has been conducted among 30 faculties of different universities by using questionnaire. This study reveals that in order to meet the current challenge of ever-growing demand of educational institutions it is required to retain the faculties by solving the dilemmas in their universities. To introduce good human resource practices at the work place it is important to have positive attitudes of the management, sincere efforts, and the urgency of establishing a good working place where everyone will work like a harmonious family.

JEL. Classification:I21;J26;J44;J63

    Keywords: Private University, Faculty, Higher Education, Mobility and Bangladesh




