Volume 10 issue 2

1. Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Textile Sector in Pakistan

Abstract | Pdf


2. The mediation of customer satisfaction and moderation of Price: Evidence from the generation Y users of cell phones

Abstract | Pdf


3. Credit Obtaining Challenges Faced by Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs

Abstract | Pdf


4. To Evaluate the Important Factor for Achieving Team Effectiveness in the Small Projects: An Analytical Hierarchical Process Approach

Abstract | Pdf


5. A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Servicescape on Consumers’ Loyalty Intentions

Abstract | Pdf


6. The Impact of Emotional Branding in Customer Buying Behavior in Soft Drink Beverage Industry of Pakistan

Abstract | Pdf


7. Factors That Affect Brand Loyalty: A Study of Mobile Phone Industry of Pakistan

Abstract | Pdf




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